Credit Quality Improving, Multi-Family Growth, Refinancing Most Common Transaction: CEIS Review 2012 Q4 Report
In this most recent edition of our 2012 Q4 Client Survey we have touched on some additional findings that you may find very useful. While Hurricane Sandy’s repercussions are still being felt, there is a continuing trend of refinancing being evident in the market, multi-family lending being the largest segment of growth, and more institutions considering/and or engaging in C&I lending, these are definitely active and interesting times.
Please click below to read the report and further details and the stats which back our findings.
CEIS Review, a consulting firm serving the needs of commercial and savings banks as well as credit unions, recently released its quarterly survey of loan quality trends as observed in the review of its clients. CEIS compiles data from each of its completed reviews with the goal of identifying trends and patterns related to the direction of loan quality (LQ) as well those in loan portfolio administration. This release focuses on the LQ patterns as indicated by the compiled 2nd quarter (4Q) statistics, and associated credit process management.
To request the entire 2012 Q4 Client Survey, please click