Due Diligence Portfolio Acquisition Review
CEIS reviews loan portfolios targeted for acquisition. The review request is given a high priority within the CEIS schedule and a team is assembled for a quick turnaround time for the loan portfolio due diligence assignment.
We realize that in today’s environment it is critical to understand the underlying credit quality of a portfolio as well as whether the reserves are adequate for the target portfolio before an agreement can be reached. Fully understanding these components assists organizations in determining appropriate pricing as well as whether the credit risks of the transaction are tolerable.
Whether considering the purchase of an entire institution or simply a few loans, it is critical to objectively determine the inherent credit risk that you could be boarding onto your balance sheet.
The due diligence loan portfolio acquisition review will assess the sufficiency and reliability of the credit risk rating system, loan approval and monitoring, effectiveness of credit and loan administration, and adequacy of the loan loss reserve. The report will detail the findings of the review, including a summary of observations and conclusions supported by a written report on each loan reviewed.
Let’s schedule a call to discuss how our proven Due Diligence Portfolio Acquisition Review services may be of assistance to your organization.
CEIS has consistently assembled professional portfolio review teams on quick notice as needed. CEIS’ experience is evident as they approach each project with a structured proven approach to ensure timely deliverables as contracted.